Cheezus Crus7 aka Quantum Warlord
Legal: No COMMERCIAL use unless granted by Cheezus for any content on this site.
Our music goes through multiple refinements and itterations both lyrically and audibly and is (in part) generated by 🤖Artificial Intelligence🤖 There is a lot of creativity that goes into the lyrics/vibe and the output is a final result of our creativity.
We love making music, it's fun giving people positive vibes! - We love authoring our music to a level that meets our standards. We hope you love our unique styles of music.
Samples within our tracks may have legal royalties since samples are licensed/sub-licensed etc, and so, We implore those who own such samples to reach out to us via our contact email in which to agree to terms in relation to the commercial use of our content.
Your identification will be rigorously tested and confirmed through appropriate means (via our side).
We encourage participation and would love to participate appropriately, please contact us!